Summer is one of the seasons which is the hottest and makes us feel sad, be it human beings, animals or birds have to face hardships and we all pray summer to pass quickly. The best way to enjoy any season is by changing our food and lifestyle habits as per the season. During summer, we should try to avoid the heat as much as possible and try certain home remedies, to overcome summer heat and heat-related problems and diseases.

First of all, lets us understand the side effects and problems caused by heat.

During summer, body temperature also rises based on our lifestyle and food habits. If neglected, it can lead to many diseases and problems like excessive sweating, dehydration, headache, loss of appetite, fever, heatstroke, dizziness, nervousness, hemorrhage, vomiting, diarrhea, sunburn and pruritus, etc. Also, there is a possibility of death.

With the rise in body temperature and heatstroke, a center of the brain which keeps the temperature normal stops working. The red blood vessels are broken and the potassium salts in the cells get into the blood circulation, which affects the heart rate and other body parts and organs, pushing the patient into the mouth of death.

Now, let us understand what are the main reasons behind the occurrence of these diseases?
  • Going out in summer with an open body, bare head, or barefoot.
  • Going out of the house without eating anything.
  • Immediate change of temperature, drinking cold water immediately after coming out of the sun, or sitting directly in the cooler or AC.
  • Eating too much of chilly-spicy, too hot, or stale food. Also drinking tea and alcohol etc.
  • Wearing synthetic, grated, and dark-colored clothing instead of cotton, loose, and light-colored clothes.
  • Drinking less water even in extreme heat.

If we can take care of some small and very important things, then we can enjoy the summer heat by avoiding all of these.

The solution to overcome summer heat and its related problems and diseases is by adopting these below changes.
  • Avoid eating too much fried spicy and oily food.
  • While going out of the house, eat something, and drink water, do not leave an empty stomach. If you are not hungry then eat less, it is better to keep a water bottle with you.
  • Do not eat heavy (meat, fish) and stale food because the body’s stool is slow in summer. Also, heavy food doesn’t fully digest which may lead to vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Wear cotton and light-colored clothes, as they absorb less heat from the sun.
  • Cover your face and head with a handkerchief or with cotton and light-colored cloth. Also, carry an umbrella while going out.
  • Avoid consumption of cold things found in the market such as cold-drink, energy drink, packaged juice.
  • Consume homemade juice, Lemonade, sorbet, or Jal Jira.
  • One should eat raw mango, buttermilk, poppy, phalsa orange syrup, curd, lassi, or Gulkand. Apart from these, including gourd, cucumber, spinach, mint, lemon, watermelon, etc. in your food habits.
  • Drink at least 3 to 5 liters of cool and clean water every day, it doesn’t need to be freeze. You can also use pot water which naturally keeps the water cool in the summer.
  • If you know how to do yoga, then practice Sitkari, Sheetali, and Chandra Dhedi Pranayama and Shavasana, they help in controlling body temperature.
  • Applying neem and basil paste is beneficial in the event of rash. Soaking rose leaves in water and washing the face with that water keeps the skin soft during the summer season.
  • In the summer season, adding cumin-salt and eating buttermilk and curd for any type of indigestion, excess of bile, stomach ache, gazelle in gas is beneficial.
  • Coconut has abundant nutritional content. It is best consumed in summer.
  • Peppermint is found naturally in mint, so it is very useful in summer. Relieves heat, fever, body irritation, and gas discomfort.
  • Melon and watermelon are the best fruits to eat in summer, they have a high amount of water which helps in controlling body temperature and dehydration. Melons contain minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that protect us from diseases like cancer and also cleanse the kidneys.
  • If the food is not digested properly in summer, eat gourd raita, gourd juice, and gourd vegetable. Apart from this, eating boiled potatoes, curd, cucumber is also beneficial.

This post has been prepared and collected from many doctors’ blogs and posts, if you come across possibility of any information error or have any doubt, then please let us know through your valuable comments.

Happy Summer 😊

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