As we all know Coronavirus (COVID- 19) has been declared pandemic and consuming many lives. During such situations, we must be careful and cautious of our actions by following certain instructions to avoid spread and keep our families safe and protected from Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic disease.

1. Avoid believing in social media and WhatsApp messages because it may create a panic situation or may take lives if followed blindly. Such messages are wrong information, myths, dispel rumors and shared on such platform without any proper research just for a few likes, shares and comments.

2. Try to gather the correct information and stay updated with Coronavirus (COVID- 19) related news only through selective sources such as the WHO website for symptoms and other Coronavirus (COVID- 19) related information.

3. Follow the government kept rules and regulations as it is for our good and safety.

4. Don’t panic and at the same do not take things for casual.

5. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Do not touch your nose, eyes, and mouth, if your hands are not clean.

6. Wash your hands with soap and water every two hours for at least 20 seconds. Always first wash your hands up till arm elbow -> then face -> then foot.

7. Stay at home and self-isolate if you feeling unwell and seek medical attention if you have fever, cough and breathing difficulty. If seeking medical attention, call your medical advisor well in advance so that they can provide you with quick directions based on your health condition.

8. Try to stay at home as much as possible. Go out only if it is an emergency requirement or need any essential items, only one person from the family must go and on return the person must clean themselves outside the house, only they must enter the house.

9. While the person is outside, it is recommended to wear a face mask and full hands cloths. They must follow social distancing for at least (1 meter or 3 feet) and avoid crowds because the nature of the coronavirus is such that it spread through sneezing, coughing, touching, talking and we don’t know if the opposite person is infected or not.

The incubation period is 2 weeks. Within 2 weeks the infected person will show symptoms and this period, whom so ever the infected person meets, there is a high chance of spreading it. In such situations it better to maintain 1-meter social distance to avoid the spread. Also, avoid social gathering events.

10. Need to avoid objects or materials such as mobiles, jewelry, watches, handbags, etc while going out because these are fomites objects and materials which can easily carry virus and infections. Even if you carry knowingly or unknowingly they must be disinfected with disinfectant wipes or spray.

11. While buying anything outside try to make digital payment. Avoid cash payments as cash is also a fomite object.

12. Avoid panic buying and buy essential goods in bulks during the lockdown, this will create an imbalance and shortage of essential goods in the market and people who are really in need of it will have to suffer. Help needy, don’t be greedy.

13. World Health Organization (WHO) identified people of all ages are vulnerable to the virus but the elderly and people with underlying chronic medical conditions are at high risk of severe influenza infection. Thus, everyone needs to be cautious and follow hygiene rules strictly to protect themselves from the virus.

Let’s stay home and follow hygiene rules to overcome this pandemic.


Hats off and thankful to all medical professionals, public servants, local, state and national governments and also each every individual who is serving and volunteering to save lives across the globe.


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