Anger is a very common emotion or feeling like laughing, crying, sad, etc. that we all share. If it is natural then there is no problem, but if you pretend to be angry or are angry with the instigation of something, then it is a serious problem for you and you lose control over your self-awareness.

Many people suffer from this problem. In anger, they do something that they regret later. Sometimes in anger, people leave their jobs, beat up someone, break household articles, and face many problems.

With this article, we will try to provide you with some tips and suggestions to control anger. Anger is such a feeling that you cannot control, but even if you take care of some things, whenever you get angry you can stop yourself at that moment or avoid doing anything to harm yourself, here are some tips. Which you must follow after reading it.

Simple anger is not a problem

If you are simply angry, it cannot be seen as a disease. God has given many emotions to human beings such as laughing, crying, being sad, afraid, and anger.

When something is wrong with us, we express anger to the opposite person. If something is wrong and you get angry then there is nothing wrong with it. This is completely normal.

The problem comes when we take things seriously and mess up those things in anger. Such a mess can affect your relationships, life, or work. In such situations, try to stay calm and process situations and things to understand better and come up with a solution.

Identify the genetic cause

There is a high chance that sometimes anger can a genetic cause. If your parents, grandparents or ancestors were angry by nature, then the quality of anger naturally comes in the children. In this way, it can be very difficult to overcome this problem. To solve this kind of problem, you have to work with patience.

Avoid tamasic food

Research shows that food affects your mental health and behavior. People who ingest food made of non-vegetarian, junk, garlic, onion, ginger, and more spices are more likely to get angry because all these things increase the heat in a person’s body and trigger aggression and irritability.

Do exercise and yoga

At least 45 minutes of exercise should be done every day. Performing yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar, Pranayama, Anulom Antonym, Kapalabhati are of great help. Going for a walk in the morning or do swimming to reduce your stress or do some physical activity which will help you a lot and will help in anger management.

Take deep and long breaths

Whenever you get very angry, you should take long and deep breaths immediately so that maximum oxygen can get into your brain. Taking deep breaths is a very good habit that is right for our bodies. This calms us and the rest of the unnecessary things go away from us.

Go to a secluded place

Different people show their anger in different ways. Some people tear off their clothes, some pick up their phones, and slam them on the ground. Some people break household articles and some people beat up members of the house.

All these methods are negative. Many people leave immediately when they get angry and go somewhere in solitude and spend a few moments with them. Many people adopt this tactic. It is very effective.

Listen to music

Many people listen to their favorite song Music when they get angry. This method is called “music therapy”. This tip is also very good. This way you can easily control your anger. Psychiatrists also offer this type of counseling. The more music you listen, the more it calms your mind, which gives you a great feeling and you get refreshed again.

Go for a walk

When angry, one should go for a walk outside the house, office, or that place. Going to a friend’s house or talking to him by phone is also a good option. Some people go to see the film. In this way, you can reduce your anger by focusing your mind on something else. This tip is also very good.

Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep

Anger comes only when the tension increases too much. Anger is directly related to stress. So, get a full sleep. Getting enough sleep makes your health better. Due to less sleep, you make yourself feel weak, but when you sleep deeply, then you feel fresh, which increases your productivity.

Contact a psychiatrist

If you feel that you get angry more than the normal limit then it can be a serious mental illness. Anger is very high due to the deteriorating balance of the ratio of chemicals in the brain. In such a situation you should see a psychiatrist immediately. Eat the medicines given on their advice daily.

Stop drug abuse

Consumption of alcohol, smoking, and other drugs should be stopped immediately. All these things stimulate the brain. If you have been having any confusion or problem in your mind for a long time, then you can lighten your mind by telling your friends, relatives, and other people.


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