Everyone wants their mind to be sharp so that they can perform well in studies, perform well in the job, be smart and intelligent etc. But sometimes due to some reason, the brain works slowly which has an effect on our functioning. Due to this functioning effect, we lack decision making, make too many mistakes, face depression, lack motivation, etc.

So, for a brain to function sharp and smart, the brain needs to fed with knowledge, regular brain activities and exercises with nutritious food, also avoiding some harmful negative situations, thoughts and consumables.

Below are some tips you need to follow to make your brain sharp:

Eat nutritious food

If you want to make your mind sharp then you have to eat nutritious food. Fish, meat, milk, eggs, ghee, saffron, blueberries, fatty acids, omega 3. Also, Eat vegetables such as soybeans, nuts, cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts, green vegetables like spinach, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms.

Don’t eat too much oil spices food and use a small number of spices. Do not consume food like junk food, fast food like burger pizza, Chow mein, momos, etc.

If your brain gets healthy and nutritious food then it gets the required nutrients to grow and stay in a healthy condition.

Stay away from drugs

Consumption of drugs affect the mind of a person by making you feel stupor and unconsciousness; it will make you weak and corrupted both in terms of mentally as well physically. Stay away from drugs such as cigarettes, alcohol, gutkha, pan masala.

Exercise daily

Exercising is one of the common recommendations that everyone gives. Exercising daily make your mind sharp and also keeps your brain healthy. You can do different types of exercises such as morning walk, gym, yoga cycling, swimming. To stay healthy, you should do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.


Reading is a great way to sharpen your mind. You can read any book like a story, poem, novel, biography, story, biography, newspaper.

Reading engages your brain in capturing and processing to understand the content which your reading. It helps in keeping the brain active.

Play mind games

Some games get brainstorming like chess, sudoku, word puzzle, promotions, quizzes, puzzles, cards, poker. Playing such games activates your brain in thinking and forming strategies to win the game and brain becomes sharper than before.

For examples, in chess, both players use Mind in it which is a pure “mind” game. It’s a game between two brains. So, if you want to make your mind sharp then play chess or any brain involving games.

Watch intellectual movies or seasons

Watching intellectual film or season also brightens your mind and gives you new ideas. Watching an intellectual film or season not only entertains but it also provides you with new knowledge or learning or sometimes our brain gets involved in it so much that we try to do in-depth research for more understanding and knowledge.

Get 6 to 8 hours of sleep

Doctors also recommend that to stay healthy it is necessary to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily. If you’re not sleeping properly then you will experience sleep deprivation that your brain feels tired and doesn’t function properly.

If your sleeping properly, giving brain and body the required rest, it needs to recover then your brain will work sharp and healthy. Which will lead to better performance in studies or your work etc.

Write daily

When you write down things it helps you in remembering those things easily. It also strengthens memory. Many people are fond of writing. So, if your someone who has a creative side and fond of writing then you can write a story, a poem, a diary.

Writing flourishes your creativity.

Participate in sports

Sports such as cricket, badminton, volleyball, football, tennis, etc. play up the mind as it involves game planning strategies and tactics to win the game. It also gives good exercise to the body and your senses are activated. In this way also you can make your mind sharp. It is said that a healthy brain resides in a healthy body. If you stay healthy your mind will automatically become sharp. Agility comes quickly from playing. Oxygen reaches all parts of the body. Oxygen also reaches the brain, which makes the brain move faster.

Stay stress-free

To make your brain work faster, it is most important that you stay stress-free. In today’s life, everyone has a lot of stress. Office politics, work stress, financial crisis, family issues etc. There are different types of stress in the house. Try to avoid them.

Stress creates an imbalance in the brain which makes you emotionally demotivated and drained. Due to your poor decisions and mistakes.

Try to stay positive and handle your problems boldly.

Learn a new language

It has been found in the study that people who speak more than one language have a faster brain than others. If you want to make the mind sharp, then you should also learn another language.

Switching to one language to another is a difficult task. If you are able to master different languages and able to switch your language as per the listener’s language and make them understand your thoughts then you will be considered smart and intelligent.

Apply Mathematics

Mathematics problems take a lot of minds to solve that’s y people want to avoid Mathematics. As it really becomes difficult to solve and mind draining if we don’t get solved. But if you make your mind faster and sharp, then you should put some math questions every day.

Be Social

Getting out of the house becoming social and meeting people teaches you a lot of things. You will get new ideas, learnings, communication skills, you will get to know other personal stories and you can learn so much from others. Along with that the mind also becomes sharp as your feeding your brain things and experience with all kinds of information. Also, you will start to think better.

Keep learning something new

Learning something new is a great trick to increase mind intelligence. The brain grows of those people who engage their mind in learning something new every day. Learning something new every day such as knitting sweaters, writing books, learning new languages, embroidery stitching, teaching children, painting, painting, creating new websites and apps. Learning work can be done in any field. It has no fixed field. New work can be learned in any field and your mind can be sharpened.

Believe in yourself

It is very important to be confident. Confidence is related to your mind. If you have a lot of confidence in you, then your mind also works fast. Therefore, one must believe in one’s own plans.

These were some tips by which you can make your mind very sharp and present yourself better than other people.


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