Motivation is the key to stay consistent and committed to your goals.

We all start our fitness journey with great enthusiasm but eventually as time passes our enthusiasm level diminishes due to some distractions or unavoidable circumstances or lack of motivation. It’s really difficult to keep up and stay consistent with fitness.

We come across situations where our energy levels are down, stuck with work, personal emergencies, injuries, constant calls and text from friends and many more. During such situations, motivation is the key to succeed and stay consistent towards your fitness journey.

Motivation is like a spark within us which needs to be turned into the flame with a fuel of mindset for growth and skill of self-management.

Here are my few tips that may help you to keep motivated and consistent in your fitness journey.


Any idea or goal whether it’s small or big begins with visualization of the outcome. Visualization is the mental image of future results that you desire to achieve. For example, your desire of a lean and muscular body, visualize yourself seeing in the mirror how you would look once you achieve your desired body.

Therefore, whenever you feel you have lost your direction towards your fitness journey due to some reason, visualize about your desired transformation to ignite the spark of motivation. Suppose you feeling too lazy and do not want to drag yourself to the gym, in such situations take a moment and visualize about your desired transformation and fill your mind with positive thoughts to boost your energy levels.


It is an obvious scenario everyone comes across obstacles when we decide to achieve something. What makes the difference is how we handle such obstacles and be prepared upfront with the proper plan of action to overcome it. Therefore, ensure your focusing on making a plan to address your obstacles and achieve your desired goals.

For example, your goal is to lose weight but you crave too much for food and overeat a lot. In such a case, your plan must be the focus on an alternative diet chart which is more nutritious and healthier. By adhering to your training sessions and nutritious diet chart strictly will eventually lead to positive results.


Every outfit has its purpose and symbolic meaning. Similarly, your workout gear is designed for controlling your body temperature and improves performance by providing a range of motion during training sessions. It’s another important purpose is to make a fashion statement. Wearing a perfect workout gear will make you look fashionable and also boost your confidence and motivation throughout your fitness journey.


Working out solo is a boring task and has got disadvantages like high chances of injuries, no support while lifting heavy, missing on workouts, etc.

Having a workout buddy will make your exercise even more enjoyable, less stressful and your chances to get injured will reduce. Also, it will provoke you to push harder in training sessions as well as will drag you when you don’t show up at the gym. Therefore, consider having a workout partner to improve your performance and staying consistent with to gym.


If you’re not aware, from where and how you should start your fitness journey then consider having a fitness trainer only if you are keen on achieving your transformation goal.

Having a fitness trainer will benefit you in many different ways;

  1. To begin with, firstly your trainers will analysis your current habits and fitness level to create the right workout program as per your goal.
  2. They will guide you with exercises and F.I.T.T. principle time and again throughout your fitness journey.
  3. Examine your progress and schedule workouts accordingly.
  4. Push you harder by setting new challenges at every level.
  5. Keeps you motivated and consistent.
  6. It helps to avoid injuries.


Similar to bookkeeping wherein each and every financial transaction are recorded to analyze business performance, logging your workouts will help you in tracking your performance progression in terms of workouts, weights, sets, repetitions and time; Also, you can review your previous session workouts and plan for next session. it will also motivate you to stay consistent with towards your training sessions.


Music trigger emotions and share a great psychological relationship on every living being. That’s why, since the ancient times music has been integral part of every civilization and their culture.

Similarly, in fitness culture, studies suggest that listening to music is a great source to pump motivation and staying focused during training sessions. Apart from motivation and focus, it also benefits in distracting your mind from pain and reduces stress level by boosting your mood of happiness which will boost immunity.

Therefore, Next when you train, go with a great music collection which has an excellent beat per minute (BPM) and rhythm to pace up and have fun throughout your training session.


Many a times we get engulfed with monotonous and boring routines which over the course of time becomes really demotivating and makes you feel like quitting your fitness journey. Therefore, its really important to spice up your exercises every two weeks to break the routine. Varying and mixing exercise on regular bases will help you in get rid of boredom, you will be able to activate new muscle groups, your excitement level will be high, you will have fun working out, and you will stay consistent towards your transformation goal.

To conclude, Staying motivated throughout your fitness journey is the key factor, so whenever you feel demotivated, implement above mentioned tips. In addition, always think positive and push yourself to stay consistent to your goal.

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